Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Dojo Kun

Most people who have never stepped inside a Karate training hall (dojo), have never heard of the Dojo Kun. Even some people who frequent a Karate dojo haven't. The Dojo Kun is a set of precepts that all Karate practitioners, and martial artists in general should know.

The Dojo Kun, when literally translated, means 'Rules of the Training Hall'. It consists of five ideals that are expected of each and every student (Karate-ka), and is usually placed at the head of the dojo (Shomen). These precepts are often repeated at the end of every class, and in some schools, at the beginning also.

The five precepts of the Dojo Kun that I learned were:

  • Seek perfection of character
  • Be faithful
  • Endeavour
  • Respect others
  • Refrain from violent behavior

Although, upon more research of the subject, I found that not all forms of the Dojo Kun are created equally.

"Varying translations and interpretations of the dojo kun exists. Each translation differs in the terms used and the interpretations vary regarding the philosophical depth, meaning, and intention.

The population of English karate practitioners has pushed one form of the translation into being the most widely accepted outside of Japan. Generally, the English translation states:

  • Each person must strive for the perfection of one's character
  • Each person must be faithful and protect the way of truth
  • Each person must endeavour (fostering the spirit of effort)
  • Each person must respect others and the rules of etiquette
  • Each person must refrain from violent behavior (guard against impetuous courage)

A more terse translation is used by the ISKF and JKA:

  • Seek perfection of character
  • Be Faithful
  • Endeavor
  • Respect others
  • Refrain from violent behaviour

The dojo kun also appears in various other martial arts styles, with alterations according to the general precepts of that style.

In Goju Ryu the Dojo Kun consists of eight rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • One thing: Be humble and polite.
  • One thing: Train considering your physical strength.
  • One thing: Practice earnestly with creativity.
  • One thing: Be calm and swift.
  • One thing: Take care of your health.
  • One thing: Live a plain life.
  • One thing: Do not be too proud or modest.
  • One thing: Continue your training with patience.

In Ryu-te the Dojo Kun consists of five rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • Strive for good moral character.
  • Keep an honest and sincere way.
  • Cultivate perseverance through a will for striving.
  • Develop a respectful attitude.
  • Restrain physical ability through spiritual attainment.

In Bushido the Dojo Kun consists of five rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier.
  • Courage is essential since the trait of the fighting man is his spirit to win.
  • Valor is a trait to be admired and encouraged in the modern warrior.
  • Faithfulness in keeping one's word.
  • Simplicity is a samurai virtue.

In Budokan (NSW Branch) the Dojo Kun consists of four rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • Show courtesy, respect and honesty towards others.
  • Develop confidence through knowledge, honesty and strength.
  • Never use violence for personal gain.
  • Seek perfection of character. "

Also, something similar, I learned in my Youn Wha Ryu training.

  • Be polite
  • Be patient
  • Be alert
  • Be brave
  • Do your best
  • Respect yourself and others

Each of these are very different in wording, and yet the same in meaning. Let's look at each precept and attempt to find the meaning behind it.

Seek Perfection of Character
Seek perfection of character to me, means that in everything we do, we should strive to do our very best at it, and maintain the most Christlike attitude before it, essentially, striving to be like Christ. We should never go into an endeavor halfheartedly, but always with a good spirit, willing and ready to do our very best.

Be Faithful
I see "Be faithful" as meaning that we should always be loyal to our dojo, families, friends, fellow human beings, and above all, be faithful to ourselves, and our maker. If we have a commitment, we should honor it if at all possible. We should let our word be our bond, because afterall, if a man doesn't have his word, what does he have?

Endeavor seems to mean that we should always press forward, and should never quit trying to find new ways to succeed or excel at any given field. If this means practicing kata for several hours a day to hone it to its' fullest potential, then that's what it means. If this means studying hard so that you can learn more, and further your education, then this is what it means.

Respect Others
If you were walking down the street, and a beaten and abused homeless man asked you for your shirt, what would you do? Now consider this, what if instead of a homeless man, what if it were Jesus himself? Are the two outcomes different? They shouldn't be. Respect others means that you should treat others like you would like to be treated, and also, treat those around you as Christ would have you treat them.

Refrain From Violent Behavior
When you see the martial arts in the media, or on Pay Per View, what do you see? A bunch of sweaty men beating the living snot out of eachother. Blood and teeth flying everywhere, arms separating backwards, and all kinds of grisly things. This isn't what the martial arts is about. The more you learn about the martial arts, the more you learn that it's not about HOW to fight, but about How to NOT fight. This means that you should never start a fight, be it physical or verbal. What good comes of fighting anyways? To fight is to struggle, and who likes to struggle?

Each of these precepts of the Dojo Kun can mean different things to different people, so just read what I've had to say, and think about what they may mean to you.

Thanks for reading this article, until next time, have a blessed day.


  1. Great start Alex! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    -Sifu Mike
